Profile PictureTheGreatGrizz

Hey there ! It's that canadian garchomp nightbeast that you probably seen going around hehe feel free to stick around and interact xP (25) (he/him) (18+)



Hey there my beasties !
ever wanted to dragonified your nova/night/luna beast ??
well now is your chance ! here is a dragon scale Norm map that fits all 3
this normal map is only to be used on the main body texture

Texture made for Novabeast Avatar by Kittomatic

For the Unity package be sure to download the latest Poiyomi Toon (9.0.61+) from the Poiyomi discord

I will not be handing out the .spp for this texture.

Can also DM me if you want it recolored, no extra charge just know what colors you want. If you want edits pricing will be depending on complexity. I will not do Unity work.


-DO NOT Redistribute to those who have not purchased this product

-Do NOT Resell

-Do NOT put on a Public Avatar

For any questions or concerns please contact me on discord:TheGreatGrizz

I want this!

the normal map for the scales

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nova/night beast edits/texs